KaRtel Utilty

Always wanted to invest but never had the right access... don't worry. VYBZ has got you with access to basedVC. A low entry platform to get investments in a variety of crypto and nft projects.

Alethea AI
Always wanted to chat with Revy? That is a possibility... welcome alethea AI. We have trained Revy so you can get to know more about both VYBZ and Revy.

Art = art and it needs to be appreciated. Hence why we set up a spatial gallery with the kartel & zaibatsu art. If you wish to appreciate it, make a spatial avatar or upload your avatar to pop in.

Get vybz branded bugatti merch. This can be done as long as you have a kartel. More info tbd
ATIV Music
Do you wish to produce a track? No worries... we partnered with ATIV to produce our own tune...
NFT Paris
One of the top conferences in EU. We will be back again next year... keep an eye out for updated links

VYBZ Marketmaking & Listing
Listings on Bitfinex, Huobi, Binance, Gate.io, Kucoin it is all possible... if you are interested hit us up at [email protected]

VYBZ Marketing
Holding a Kartel provides you a discounted version of our marketing services. Note: everything is bespoke and tailor-made

Get alpha from DUDES LABS if you hold the Kartel Pass. All you need to do is hop in the server and get your access

NFT Sensei
Trade NFTs / Snipe collections before anyone else. We partnered with NFT sensei to get you guys the best toolkit to trade NFTs

Nexus nights a new game created for the VYBZ community. More to come soon... join our discord or follow our twitter for more updates.

Fight your way through the codyfight world with a VYBZ codyfighter. Recently launched, powered with CTOK

Trading with dexes or cexes... that will never get you that edge in the coin game. VYBZ has partnered with Shuriken to provide you a bot that will allow you to trade quicker. Note there might be an airdrop coming sooner than later...

VYBZ will have an augmented reality world soon....